Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Back at work and back to exercise

Well I'm back at work for the first time in two weeks and although I feel better I'm still sore and can't put my elbow down and the antibiotics are making me feel pretty unwell. Work have dropped it on me that there is an open evening today from 5-8 which means, I'll have to be here till late, what joy!

I've been exercising for the last two days, 20 minutes on the cross trainer doing high intensity interval training, I find this is a good way to lose weight whilst not taking to long. The only problem is that it is absolutely knackering, the idea is to do four cycles within the 20 minutes gradually moving up in intensity from a self monitored '6' effort to a '9' and then a final push to a '10' effort. This means really pushing myself. The nice thing is this is a) short and b) easy to remember, the nasty thing is as you get fitter your perception adjusts and you are still working your self bloody hard!

Getting back into regular exercise is a prelude to doing my first Body for Life challenge. BfL is a 12 week program of weight training, cardio and healthily eating, I'll be in the gym and/ or on the cross trainer 6 days a week during that time doing the 20 minute cardio 4 days a week and lifting 3 days a week, 2 days upper body and 1 day lower and then switching the 2 days lower, 1 day upper the following week. I now BfL works because its what I did before but it takes a huge amount of effort and dedication and if I miss days I get quite despondent :(

So back at work, back in the gym and getting back to fitness, a good start I feel.

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