Monday, 23 June 2008

Normal service will be interupted

Sorry for the lack of updates over the last few days its been a busy weekend.

First news is that I shot my new bow for the first time on Saturday morning and it ROCKS, once I had it shot in it definately improved my scores and enabled me to concentrate on my technique, the limbs are certainly heavier and its only possible for me to pull through by using my back muscles rather than my arms, which is the way it should be so thats great. The sight is good and the riser was nice and comfortable. Tony spent some time with me watching my technique and a couple of times just walked off nodding rather than correcting me so I presume I'm doing something right :D. Didn't lose any of my nice new arrows and they aren't too hard to find in the grass which is good.

I did have a few biscuits and some wine and sidesteped my cardio on Saturday and Sunday. Paid the price when I weighed myself this morning and I've put on a couple of lbs but it'll be mostly water weight so it'll come off as quickly as it went on :)

Off to Scotland tomorrow so posting will be slim to none for a week or so, will update when I get back, probably a bit fatter but having had fun.

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