Thursday, 5 June 2008

Breaking my Duck

Well this is the inaugural post of BlogMeThinner my attempt to keep track of my progress on both my weight loss and improving my fitness.

For me this process is more than an exercise in self-esteem it is also fundamental for my personal health. Last week for the first time in my life I found myself in hospital for more than a few minutes. I spent four days on I/V antibiotics for an infection in my arm which flared up to a point where my whole arm was inflamed and I had a high temperature. Just a little unlucky one might think but this problem probably would not have occurred if my blood sugar hadn't been high, as a direct result of abusing my body through over eating and over drinking I have made myself diabetic thus increasing the severity of what should be simple infections which a normal person would shrug off and increasing my chances of heart, kidney, nerve and other problems and this is potentially just the first of many such problems.

So what is the answer?

Well the answer is to lose weight and get fit, this will increase my chances of staying healthy and reduce my chances of becoming insulin dependent in the future.

Where am I coming from?

Well right now my weight stands at around 300lbs, my waist is approx 46-48" depending on who I buy my clothes from, I'm 6'3" which means I can carry that weight without looking like a total blimp but I don't feel fit, in fact I feel pretty bad a lot of the time, I have very little energy and my self esteem is low. These aren't easy things to admit to myself and even less to others but in doing so I hope to have a permanent, truthful record of where I currently stand.

What is the ultimate goal?

I be fit and healthy and to have my blood sugar under control to a point where I can occasionally indulge without feeling guilty. To have a body I feel proud of and feel comfortable around a pool or on a beach. I know this is going to take a while but knowing I have to do it for my health is giving me more impetus than I have had before, so its got to be achievable.

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