Sunday, 15 June 2008

Dear Diary

Yesterday was a good day, workout went well and pretty much straight after I went to archery for the morning. My archery is improving, I definitely feel my stamina is up and I went up to shooting the 50yds target, this is as far as I'm going to get with the club bow as it doesn't have the draw weight to allow me to shoot further, I'm already shooting very high and allowing the arrows to fall to the target rather than shooting them flat. I'm seriously considering getting my own riser and limbs and have talked to H about it, she thinks it might make a good birthday present :)

I eat well although I had two pittas for lunch because I'd missed my mid morning meal and was feeling hungry also snacked on some grapes and a kiwi fruit. Dinner was a chicken breast in Nando's marinade with brown rice and sweetcorn, most enjoyable.

I hit 290 this morning which I reckon is about the same as two average women, but it is a pound lighter than yesterday which is a good thing, we are going in the right direction!

Felt a bit down last night before going to bed, H thinks its my body adjusting to the new diet and that seems reasonable, I should be pretty happy.

Tried on some 44" jeans I have never worn because they were too tight when I ordered them and they are still too snug by a fair whack. These will be my first target jeans, after I can get into these we will start targeting high street clothes, it will be great to be able to walk into a shop and buy something rather than having to order from High and Mighty over the Internet, even if I do have to start out with Marks and Spencer fat range :D

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