Thursday, 5 June 2008

How did it all come to this?

Can anyone define a moment when they became fat?

I don't think I could give a definite moment when I went from normal to overweight or from overweight to obese, but it was around 10-12 years ago when my metabolism gave in to my greed and I started to get big. I do remember an incident which first brought it home to me that I had a problem.

Getting on the tube one day in a crowd of people I brushed past someone who called me a fat ****, I have to admit it took a moment to sink in. At that point I probably had a 38" waist, I knew that I was big but I didn't think of myself as fat but that if there is a defining moment was my defining moment.

Oddly that didn't deter me from my downward spiral and having settled in to a routine of having a few pints of cider after work and more take out food than I should have done I keep up the lifestyle which was to be my downfall.

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